Monday, April 15, 2013

International fashion icon in Sri Lanka

With the blend of the western and south asian, Sri Lankan girls have a very unique look. It is not clearly related to Indian Models. Indian models are more likely westernized today. Therefore the demand for Sri Lankan models will be high, but the industry leaders need to take necessary steps to bring our models into the international level.

Being one of the oldest blog about Sri Lankan models, we are changing the way we post our news. A total collection of images will be posted in one article, giving you more entertainment.

 Aksha Udari, one of the famous model in Sri Lanka. Professional modeling is one of the leading multi million dollar industry in the world. Professional models can earn unlimited money easily. It is not the look that they need to posses to become a professional model, but also lots of other qualities as well.

 The figure is the most important factor to become a professional model. There are lots of different outfits to be tested. When an industry select a model, they select her according the the outfit they have. They design the outfit first and then looking for a suitable model to wear it in the fashion show.

 With the booming of tourism, we can make the Colombo as the fashion hub in the Asia, like Paris becomes the fashion hum in the Europe. We are still far away from becoming this dream. We need to use the beautiful and sexy looking of our girls to encourage to become fashion models.

 Also it is necessary to break the limitations. In the international level fashion shows, we can see all sort of dresses. We should start fashion shows of all kind for the interest of the international buyers. For an example swim wear.

 There are lots of beautiful girls in the Colombo has a trend to become models. Also there are few fashion schools started centralizing the city of Colombo. But the true beauty of modelers are in the villages. How to get village girls in to the fashion industry to become modelers? This is where we can build a unique fashion mark among the international.

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